Hair Love Stories with Conny and her girls.


Conny is a mother of two beautiful daughters, and she loves styling her children’s hair. Conny has a lot of knowledge and advice to share, so please check out her Instagram profile @createwith.conny 

Hair Love stories is a new feature from Rainbow & Ginger London, it’s all about celebrating diversity through an appreciation of all hair types and all hairstyles of children.  

In our new Instagram Live Chat from Rainbow & Ginger London, I speak to parents who are passionate about children’s hair care and hairstyles. I believe the information we share will help and inspire other parents to care for their children’s hair.  

Insta Live Chat with Condola Dennis 

Watch video 

Summary of Live Chat  

Conny is a mother of two beautiful daughters, and she loves styling her children’s hair. Conny has a lot of knowledge and advice to share, so please check out her Instagram profile @createwith.conny 


Two girls with hair bow clips

  • Please tell us about your and your daughters?  

I am Conny, and my daughters are Esther age 9 & Eva age 6. Initially, I created my page to share kids' hairstyles, however over the five years of starting this page, it has taken me on a journey of learning about how to care for the health of our hair and scalp properly. I have then shared this on my page as I learned along the way. 


  • What is your daughters’ hair care routine?  

I keep their routine simple based on our weekly schedule which involves weekly swim lessons at school. We wash every two weeks on average, styles are simple two-strand twist, large cornrows, or plaits, which can be easily removed for restyling for events on the weekend. This also keeps their hair from tangling up. As well as twist outs, braids, or bun hair styles.  


  • What types of products do you use for your daughters and why?  

For regular wash and styling, I would suggest a clarifying shampoo, hydrating shampoo, rinse out conditioner (some can also be used for a deep conditioner when heat steaming), and leave-in conditioner. For styling, grapeseed oil and occasionally gel for buns etc. Other hair styling products if oil is not preferred, are hair milk, buttercream, and mousse. 


  • What types of hair accessories do you use to style your daughter’s hair?  

Mostly bobbles, scrunchies, hair bows and elastic bands. 


  • What types of hairstyles do you favour for school?  

Currently, due to weekly swimming lessons at school mostly large plaits and large cornrows. I prefer a hairstyle that can last all week or something that I can easily undo for washing if it gets wet during swimming. 


  • What tips will you give a parent whose child is starting school for the first time in September?  

Try not to do hair in the mornings. I’d suggest you do hairstyles that can last the whole week, at least a few days or try to do hair the night before. Use head scarfs and bonnets at night to keep hair neat and moisturised for longer. 


  • Rainbow & Ginger London – is about inspiring girls to stand out, be brave and have fun – what do you do to help your daughters to be more confident and happier?  

I help them to discover what is authentic about themselves, what they like, what they enjoy doing in order for them to love and appreciate who they are. If they know who they are and what they want, they can be confident within themself, especially when making brave choices.  


  • Is the school run a walk in the park or a massive hurdle every morning?  

School is about 30 minutes' drive, and we must arrive by 8:25, as the school gate closes at 8:30. It is a challenge especially with unexpected road closures or diversions. Recently, the girls made their own morning check list. Esther sets her alarm clock and wakes up her younger sister Eva, and they go downstairs for breakfast together, as they are both keen to get to school on time. Now that they are old enough to take a little responsibility for getting ready on time without me repeating myself, I can also focus on getting myself ready, which is a huge help. This has made the morning routine and school run a lot less stressful than it used to be. In the past I would be stressed repeating things then anxious about being late. 


  • What year will your daughter be going to in September and what are you looking forward to most in the new school term?  

Esther will be going to Year 5! We drive to school but I will be dropping her off before school so she can walk a small part of the way which she is looking forward to. It is a big step for me to allow Esther to have bit more independence, but also exciting to watch her mature into the next level. Eva will be going to Year 2! She will not be in the same building as Esther anymore, which again is another level of independence. Now that the girls are older and more independent, I hope school mornings will be stress-free and smooth sailing. 🙏🏾😊 

Note: The girls are wearing bows from our ColourPop Collection and Back to School Collection.

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