Hair Love Stories with Emma & Rose

Hair Styles


Hair Love stories is a new feature from Rainbow & Ginger London, it’s all about celebrating diversity through an appreciation of all hair types and all hairstyles of children. 


In our new Instagram Live Chat from Rainbow & Ginger London, I speak to parents who are passionate about children’s hair care and hairstyles. I believe the information we share will help and inspire other parents to care for their children’s hair. 

Insta Live Chat with Emma Beasley 

Date: Wednesday 13th September, 8pm 

Watch video 

Summary of Live Chat 

Emma is passionate about styling her daughter’s hair and she has a lot of knowledge to share, so please check out her Instagram profile @roses_pretty_plaits 


  • Tell us about yourself briefly and your daughter? 

My name is Emma, I’m a primary school teacher from Leicestershire. My daughter Rose is nine years old and has just gone into Year 5. 


  • What is your daughter’s hair care routine?   

Rose has previously been diagnosed with Alopecia, so we’re quite careful about what we use on her hair. We use homemade spray oil, made with essential oils such as lavender and rosemary for hair care and growth after a shower, and sometimes some argan oil. We always plait it before bed to avoid bedhead, tangles, and chaos in the mornings, using a detangler spray for styles but often just water.  


  • What types of products do you use for your daughter and why? Or what hair care products will you recommend?  

I like Aussie leave-in conditioner, but also children’s detangler spray, like Johnson’s. I have a spray oil which I use, and I also use a scalp massager. If Rose sleeps in a style, she’ll wear a satin hair bonnet to keep it tidy. We use a leave-in oil sometimes, but a lot of the time we just use water!  


Lilac Hair Bow


  • What types of hair accessories do you use to style your daughter’s hair?  


Lots, Lots and Lots of bows!! We love jumbo ponytails and braids… Rose has a HUGE collection of hair accessories! We have lots of hair bobbles too and I love pinching some of hers!  (Above: Rose is wearing an Abigail Long Tail Bow from Rainbow & Ginger London)

  • What types of hairstyles do you prefer for school?  


I prefer a tied-up style, to avoid bugs and knots… but this year so far, Rose has been all about the half up styles! She sleeps in a plait and loves how wavy her hair is the next day and wants to show it off! I often use an anti-knit spray if her hair is loose, especially at the nape of her neck!  


  • What tips will you share for parents with a child starting school for the first time in September?  


Keep hair up! Knits are our biggest school fear! Hair tied up, and anti-knit sprays and shampoos are your best friend! We’ve never had them in our house yet! Also, take it easy: school mornings are chaotic enough, especially if you must work. To save time, I like to have a little photo schedule up on the fridge, so when I come down in the morning and I know what style to do.  

  • Rainbow & Ginger – is about inspiring girls to stand out, be brave and have fun – what do you do to help your daughter to be more confident or happy with herself?  


Rose is very confident and loves being herself, performing, getting dressed up, expressing herself through what she chooses to wear and letting me know what styles she wants! She loves going to drama class and taking part in shoots, shows and acting jobs!  


  • Is the school run a walk in the park or a massive hurdle every morning?  


I am not going to lie, it is chaos! I have three kids to get ready in the morning, and because I am a teacher, I must be at school every Wednesday to Friday. We have a system though, and although it takes a while to get into a routine, we get there in the end with the help of my husband!  


  • What year will your daughter be going to in September and what are you looking forward to most in the new school term?  

Rose has gone into Year 5! She loves everything about school. She is such a social butterfly and loves being with her friends, learning new things and getting on with her teachers! She is smashing primary school. Although, I wish time would slow down, as I am not ready for her to move on quite yet!  

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